Up DCS2k » Christmas » 2013


Merry Christmas!

2013 is coming to a close as we get ready for the New Year...

     January – We brought in the New Year at Laguna Seca where Don and team mates raced their car in a Chump race. The team finished 18th out of 24 which was just fine with them for their first race. Joshua played for the El Camino Tennis team for a second year and along with receiving a participation award, he was presented with the "Most Inspirational Player" award.

     February – Mary and Don celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary and we got out of town for a weekend trip to Trinidad. We all fell ill with some nasty bug during the trip, so we plan to go back again to enjoy what we couldn't the first time… like the FOOD!

     April – No more Braces for Joshua... Whoo!-Hoo!

     June – Family Vacation to the Grand Canyon. We used Las Vegas as a place to spend the night on our way. Didn't do much but eat, sleep, and checked out the Pawn Stars Shop on the way out of town. Next stop was Hoover Dam where we did the Dam Tour that was really cool. First day at the Grand Canyon we took a bus ride to Glen Canyon for a raft ride that was just awesome. Second day was spent exploring various points of interest along the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Mary and I did manage to get up early enough one morning to watch the Sunrise, and we all took in a couple of Sunsets. The Grand Canyon... we highly recommend it.

     August – Little get together for some pizza and cake for Joshua's Birthday. We also managed to get in our guy's only Fishing trip that included Uncle Larry. Larry brought his boat that turned out to be key in us catching a lot of fish.

     September – With some help from the neighbor boy, we took out some large juniper Shrub/Trees. Also made some progress on the Great Wall Part II as part of our front yard project… to be continued.

     October – Joshua made a traditional bread for a Day of the Dead Spanish class project.

     November – Gave another try at doing a turkey on The Bar-B-Que that turned out delicious. We just might be ready to try this out on company next.

     December – The big tree in our front yard took on a bad lean, so we had it Removed. We will have to plant another one in its place as part of our yard project.

May you and your family have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

- Don, Mary, Joshua, and Sargent.