Up DCS2k » Christmas » 2020


Merry Christmas!

We could just stop here and say, "COVID"… but we won't.

Hello everyone as we draw nearer to the end of the year let's take some time to look back and share what all we have been up to this year.

     January – This was a rather mellow month where everyone was getting back into the swing of things after the winter break that occurred at the end of last year.

     February – We brought in a contractor to help us remodel our bathrooms. The remodel was a tedious process that lasted until the beginning of April. Don took a break to meet up with couple friends to take in the Autorama.

     March – In the middle of the remodel and before the COVID lockdown we got bored with not having a dog around, so we looked around and decided to get a new dog and Mary named her Sadie. Sadie is a miniature fox terrier. Later, towards the middle of the month the world seemed to shut down due to the COVID pandemic. Don was pushed to work from home and Josh attended school virtually.

     May – With the remodel over with we decided to tackle more of the yard work. We decided to try to spruce up our side yard by removing some of the trees that existed over there in favor of planting new ones. We also decided to work on redoing some of the sprinklers in our backyard as well.

     June – A skunk family took up residence along the side of our house. Yuck! We called animal control and they helped us get rid of them in a humane way.

     July – Don thought that it would be cool to put a new exhaust on his Mustang, and who doesn’t just love that new exhaust sound?

     August – Don decided to put new shelves in the garage. With all the new storage he was able to clean up the garage quite a bit. Towards the end of the month we decided to take Sadie on a day trip with us to Bodega Bay and Stinson Beach. At the end of the month Don joined a car club.

     September – In the middle of the month we celebrated the wedding of longtime family friend Alexander Sherman and girlfriend Nikki. She has been a welcome addition to our extended family. We wish them many years of prosperity and happiness.

     October – Don had jury duty in the middle of the month. Due to the peaceful protesting and various concerns, the court house and several buildings were boarded up. At the end of the month we hosted a socially distanced Halloween party with our neighbors.

     November –Don and Mary took Sadie to Apple Hill. At the end of the month we celebrated a COVID Thanksgiving, just us.

     December – Don and Josh built a new workbench and a barbeque cart. In the middle of the month Josh wrapped up college and is graduating with a degree in Communications.

As this year comes to a close, we look back trying to find the light in a year that seems consumed in darkness. Throughout the year Mary has been continuing to cook up scrumptiously delicious foods that have helped us to add to our "quarantine weight". Sadie has been a welcome addition to our family and has helped us get through the year. This year seemed to have more downs than ups, but here is a toast to a brighter and better 2021.

- The Davis Family